I have completely lost my drive to blog. I haven't written any updates in almost two months! I'm kind of sorry about this, but not really :) Here's what I've been up to lately...
February 23rd
Inter vs. Bayern Munich @ the stadium in Milan. There were 80,000 people there, including a rowdy group of Germans that set off fireworks during the game. The Italian boys, that we went with, got angry at me after the game for saying
"congratulations" and "good game" to the German fans afterwards :)
February 26th
I was a good citizen and did NOT take a picture of The Last Supper, because it is a big "no-no". However, I wanted to be able to give a visual of the entire piece of artwork. It could have just been my ignorance but I was always under the impression that The Last Supper was a painting, not a mural. By the picture above you can see that I was proven wrong. The Last Supper or "Il Cenacolo" is in a building attached to a small church in Milan. Our Rotary club had to make an appointment 6 months in advance to see the room for 10 minutes!
March 5th
We were able to go to Venice one of the days during Carnival! Carnival might not be as big of a deal here as it is in Brazil but they do love the excuse to dress up. Venice, being famous for it's Carnevale masks, was completely packed with people, some in very elaborate costumes. I should have taken more pictures but it was so unbelievably crowded that it was hard to even get at your camera! |
March 27th
I was so fortunate that I was able to have a visit from my best friend Dan (who happens to also be my boyfriend :) ) and his wonderful mother Cindy. We spent a couple days in Rome, seeing the sights and falling in love with Italian Pizza and then some more days back in Cremona meeting my friends and getting acquainted with my life here. For those of you who have partaken in a long distance relationship you know that it's not always easy, so it was so great to be able to see each other after so much time apart!
April 8thMamma Mia! Rome twice in one week! Not even a week after Dan left I went on our Rotary trip to Rome for about 3 days. It was a little tiring seeing the exact same sights for the third time, but how could you complain about being in Bella Roma. It was great and fun to have more bonding time with the other exchange students that I've come to know and love.
So, you can see that I have been an absent blogger for good reasons! I've started to realize what short time I have left here in Italy and I'm trying to enjoy every moment as best as I can. I'm loving the fun days and trips with my friends while also taking pleasure in reading under the sun on the terrace and going for my long runs in the park. |
I promise to update at least once more before I return home to beautiful Northfield, but for now.. CIAO