I'm amazed by the crazy technology of this day. I was able to go onto Google Maps Street View and actual take a virtual walk around Cremona and see my school! It made the whole experience seem ten times more real, and I can't imagine that soon I'll be taking that walk everyday.
My host family situation is a little unstable at the moment. Because of recent developments the powers that be in my district over there might be switching around some of the host families. Although this leaves me not exactly sure where my home will be in two months, I've been in contact with some potential families :) and they've already been very kind and welcoming. I can't wait to actually meet them. As of now, I'm leaving at 8:57 on Saturday, September 4th and arriving on the 5th. From what I've heard, I'm the last Rotary student to leave from Northfield this fall. I know that by that time I'm sure I will be bored, with all of my friends being gone already, and I will be itching to get over to my new home.
As of now I'm working on getting down to the Italian consulate in Chicago to get my visa, and to deal with the charismatic Italians working there that I've heard so many interesting stories about. Also my lovely fellow Italian from Northfield, Sara Jaramillo, and I have been taking a few Italian lessons to prepare for our trips. She is much better than I am so I need to keep studying so that she stops showing me up at our lessons!! :) So these last couple of months I will be working on my Italian, figuring out my host family situation and obtaining my visa. I hope to keep this updated on any developments along the way.
Also good luck to my fellow exchange students that are leaving in July! I will miss you all and I can't wait to hear about your many adventures!